Dear Africa…… #whereisthelove #blackisatribe #weareone #wearenottheenemy

It hurts to pen this. My heart breaks because we are not what we used to be.

Iam proudly a black African girl so in love with our culture, tradition, norms and everything that uniquely defines our continent. We were raised to own our color and people that looked like us. We were told of how privileged it is to be African and now it doesnt feel like so at all.

The #xenophobia of late is not who we are. I wonder what could be fuelling this kind of evil. My heart does not understand this at all.

If Papa Mandela was here he would be dissapointed. This is not the SouthAfrica he fought so hard for. The one he sacrificed his livelihood for. We are one, we need each other, lets look at the bigger picture, we are nit each others enemy either.

What will we tell our children happened to our land??. Why stain the earth with innocent blood of people whose only crime was to bare the same color?

I stand in prayer for everyone that has lost a loved one during this hard time.

The devil can not win. Lets spread love and love only. Love is all we need.

Please dont forget black stands for unity. Dont let the world scorn at us. We are too beautiful to hate.

Big girl…. take your time. #being21chronicles #life responsibility #africangirlchild #beauty growth


I miss my writing life, i really cant explain what happens to me but iam looking at being more consistent.

Growing up is so tricky, responsibilities keep springing up and we were never trained for this.

I dont know about you but i think school took alot of time teaching us alot of irrelevant information. I would have preferred way different classes and syllabuses at large. Maybe a variety just like kindergarten where it was all about the key school skills like writing, reading, coloring, singing, interacting amongst others and it was all given scores.

But here we are. Figuring out life with literally no manual asides from our parents stories that are so far fetched. They keep claiming walking miles to get to school which is so true beacuse this is Africa but today….. we have vans, motor bikes, bicycles and all other transport means.

So we literally can not relate at any moment. But i have made up my mind to figure out growing up amd responsibility with no complaints.

If you have any ideas how i should do so too pleae leave me a comment.

Love you



I am back

Hey readers i missed you all. I never confirmed the delete button because i always thought this time would come.

Its been along while with a tonne of experiences and lessons.

The Lord has been gracious and kind as always. I cant wait to share with you everything.

Much love

Children need our prayers most

Today I am not only heart vandalised I am disappointed and devastated and I think destroyed.

When growing up, In Africa,some place not so uptown, I had the most satisfying childhood. Not interms  of money or wealth, I had family,I had everyone around, grand parents,cousins, neighbors and yes it has made me who I am today.

I played with no worries,laughed like there was no tomorrow and lived my childhood to the full. 

Looking at images from Syria not only makes me sob, it shows that we have a long way to go. Why fight for land and politics and things that don’t last when we are to die and leave them behind. Why rob children of happiness and a place to call home? Why expose them to cruelty and selfishness? Why corrupt the souls meant to be innocent and fill them with disgust and hate? I will never understand why.

I remember one  Wednesday evening at church, our pastor asked us to pray for the children all around the world like they are our own. She told us to intercede on their behalf and ask God to send them angels to watch and guard over their hearts and minds.  Because as in the Bible  out of our hearts are the issues of life (Prov 4:23)

Children need our prayers more than anyone because they are children. They are entitled to a life of smiles,contentment and peace. A life of beauty and experiences worth remembering

Not a life of war and bloodshed,children watching their parents butchered like hens,children abused, raped and their rights violated. 

How can we change this? 
Its only through prayer. You may ask, doesn’t God see this happen?

Well if you never ask you never get. So if we join hands in a prayer of agreement for children exposed to the worst of scenarios, our prayer will be answered.

Because every child is your child. Let’s teach our children to pray for other kids before they go to bed and to school. Let them know that the world out their is cruel but our prayers work and change situations.

Let us add it to our prayer requests let’s priotise children

Let us be that hope and solution. Let us provide the miracles through prayer

Take a stand, fight school shootings

Been reading about these school shootings and in just around America its been ongoing  as early as 1970’s

It leaves me to wonder, the next generation is the kids we have right now,kids that boldly take a gun and destroy lives,kids that bully another to the extent of suicide.

Kids without the littlest of sympathy or love for another. 

Is this the next world we are having?. Is this what we want,?will this stop our cries and claims for a better world if only a child would stab the mom because she said no to him going for a party.

This is not what we want and who is to blame? 

Can it be the parents the let their children get away with indiscipline or maybe the TV programs they are exposed to?

Can we blame culture or the friends we hang out with?

Can we blame the government for not regulating guns and their usage or parents that leave them lying anywhere and makes them accessible?

Can we blame irreligion,the pastors that aint instilling christian values in kids or the parents that nolonger take their children to church and sunday school or we push the blame to the  devil?

Or let’s blame school authorities that take security lightly because these are children so they see no need for metal detectors?

Am thinking there’s no one to blame but each one of us. Society has changed and looks at crime as a day today practice.

Imagine if you are that parent that sent that one child that God gave you to school only to be called by police saying his one of the victims and is laying in cold blood. 

School should not be a threat to the young, No, it should be a place kids look forward to, a place where you learn new things all the time where you make friends for life.

Let us restore this joy we had in the mornings when it was time for class.

Let’s work as a team and save our tomorrow

Let us take a stand and fight for what is right.

Be that change you always wanted to see

School shootings are robbing us of the future
#bleeding soul

Been to heaven more than once

Its an aura you experience,the way your body becomes sensitive to every change in the room. The breeze that feels cold when its hot  and vice versa

The feeling where everything is vividly possible and you could spin the whole world on your pinky finger

Its the joy that feels your heart and the calmness that floods your soul.its the embrace in each word shared

An ecstaticly ticklish feeling of your worries totally dissolving and the freedom thereafter

A place where Superman is no hero because Abraham  did lots Elijah and Elisha as well.

My happy place will always be church because it gets the purest of emotions out of me
I pray you get to experience it too

Dear next king,

Well I ain’t broken am just so careful on the inside am fragile
And maybe I want you to melt that ice and have me feel safe and secure around you

I want you to try with me and also teach me how to love you with ease

I want you to be my one last time so I’ll be ready to give you that chance

No I ain’t complicated, I am so easy to understand because I love the simple things. The art in what seems so ordinary like a kiss on the fore head and random I love you’s

I ain’t so demanding either so I won’t be asking for a maserati anytime soon even though i d love one

I am impressed by real effort and lots of honesty. I also love attention and I give lots of it. I maybe a little clingy too

So when I do what you hate then I’d prefer a sit down and a tell all and I promise I’ll change for the better.

Sometimes I just want you to listen to my rants and my not so funny stories

To my pain and my happiness

I want you to laugh with me or maybe just wipe  the tear before it rolls down my face

Other times I just wanna hear you talk

Of anything that makes your day or maybe just make up a story to have me laugh my lungs out

I just want to be happy with you

Go out on dates,watch the stars together get mad at each other and still work it through

I want us to have a bucket list

Not one full of water to pour on each other but rather a list of crazy activities that only me and you can do together

I want us to be our own kind of Hollywood sit back and watch the trailers and drama of our crazy moves

I want me and you to last

And I want you to come sooner

With love.

Smiling depression

Sometimes you  keep the smile on to conceal the pain underneath.

Sometimes you really wanna pour out your heart to someone and let them know how it really hurts and how you can’t fix it no matter how hard you try.

Other times you just ignore the pain in hope that it will totally fade away but you stay with the freshest bruises that grow deep instead of dry.

You just smile, keep happy, stay positive but deep inside a sledgehammer is vandalising your soul and no you can’t cry out.

All along it felt like you had a ton of friends ready to catch you with the slightest stumble only to turn around and its you yourself and you.

So you smile,not because its all fine but because its the only option life chose to leave you with.

Its a feeling of inadequacy,pain,loneliness and misunderstanding that a few people that could make it go away abandon you when you need them the most.

Does it go you may ask? 

No it never goes away,it may run low on the scorching pain but its always somewhere and the littlest of scenarios will awaken it someday.

So when I smile be kind enough to return the smile because under it is the loneliest of hearts that you may be able to rescue.




Time check …..11:28

I have been thinking of what I could possibly do to increase on my earnings since my job seems to be paying me peanuts in comparison to my necessities.

I have always been about money and business and stock exchange and lots of foreign currency and its main reason why I currently pursue a bachelor’s degree in international business.

I needed a fresh idea and I asked a few friends around. Something that would require less attention.

One of them talked of African print materials (proudly African girl).

He said importing and reselling would really be a good way to make profit. My task would be to locate online market and trace clients from everywhere.(hope its as easy as my imagination)

Currently am choosing to focus on the bright side, business booming getting celebrities and big rich people to buy from me. Generally customer satisfaction with no specificities as along as I earn.

What I have is a big vast picture always been an optimistic person. But can’t help the fact that the capital,supplier,actual market is a huge challenge. I refuse to fear because I know God will give me the best strategies.

Since am 20 and a month old.I have moved into that phase of living the moment enjoying the privilege of being healthy and young. Achieving fantasy dreams.

I  always wanted to do free lance modelling at my pace no pressure so this seems like a huge opportunity. I’ll need  to find a good seamstress though and have them draft up nice attires, I have a galfrend that would do make up for a fairly nice price, have friends that can model one or two pieces then baaaaam am  good to go. Then this can land me on television as I have always wanted to feature on tv shows. That means hitting my goals of before 25.

Well all this is 2018 plan. Want to start the new year stronger by 21 which is approximately 11 months away I should have achieved the modelling goal.
I am praying for capital as its what is most relevant  plus  a good quality supplier,  seamstress and penetration of market quickly. Before long I’ll be showcasing modern African clothes with a touch of me. Am super excited  I could be the next big thing. Fingers crossed.

Optimistic baekey.

Makeup ain’t self hate

Am not so much a makeup girl one that will spend 3 hours getting there faces all painted but totally have no problem with it.I will probably use the eyeliner and do my eyebrow(not so perfect yet) and some gloss or lipstick then head out. 

With the current fenty beauty by Rihanna then Kylie products then KKW then Mac then black opal, Huddah cosmetics  the list is endless I love the creativity it gives to ones look.

Some people think makeup is to cover up the ugliness and look all fake. I don’t think it is that anyway. Make up is not self hate, its a way to elevate ones moods and add art to oneself.

I think we appreciate our fleek and all the flaws.We truly believe in ourselves we just use all that make up to switch the bombness to our self looks the way we want it. (Cardi B quote)

Same thing with the filters and snap chat ones are my deal breaker. They give that be it silly,fancy ,crazy,funny look.they are a good boost for a sad day or mood for someone like me.

Still its not that I don’t like the way I look without makeup or filters I just love the tingling sensation it builds every time I add dog ears and flowers and all those adjustments to my cute self
PS.don’t use makeup or filters because you feel your lacking or ugly. Use it because your artistic and alive and happy

You are beautiful and a star and none else could ever much you.

#am open to any additional knowledge